KUDO® is a private label brand
of RusTA (Russian Technical Aerosols) Group

Moscow office
TD KUDO LLC, 107143, Russia
Moscow, Otkrytnoe Shosse, 24, Bldg. 48
We are open Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Attention! This is the address of our office,
but not the store.
We are a manufacturing company that exclusively sells
its products through a dealership network.
Central warehouse
142455, Russia,
Moscow region, Noginsky district,
Electrougli, Zavodskaya str, 4 bld.4
Directions to the warehouse:
Contacts: Marianne, Natalia, Alexander.
We are open Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
The manufacturing facility of Elf Filling JSC
Elf Filling JSC, 142455, Russia,
Moscow region, Noginsky district,
Electrougli, Banniy lane, house 9
For contract manufacturing
please contact us by phone:
+7 (499) 167-40-33
+7 (499) 167-80-81
We are open Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Feedback form
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application or specifications of our products:
- Go to the page pertaining to the specific product you are interested in.
- Select the Questions and Answers section below the product image.
- Fill in the corresponding form.